Film Fridays // lakeside

childhood, film fridays

the blog

film fridays: a personal project where I put down my digital camera and share images created on film


Every year I like to do at least one photo shoot of my kids “together” and I’m not gonna lie, this year was a tough one. They are extremely strong willed children who march to the beat of their own drum.  Individually they are manageable. Together…watch out! I was able to break out the super negotiation skills though (never underestimate the power of bribery) and promised just about everything under the sun. Hey, a photogs gotta do what a photogs gotta do, ya know?  They gave me a run for my money and I was biting my nails waiting for the film to come back but they did so well! I was pleasantly surprised. I didn’t get every single image I wanted and still have a few dying to get out of my head, so I guess that just means Round 2, eh?


The first roll was Kodak 400 TriX (tinted in PS)

Mad because the beach ball wasn’t on her side.


with me

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