Film Fridays // Grateful

film fridays, personal

the blog

film fridays: a personal project where I put down my digital camera and share images created on film


So many things to be grateful for right now…

I am grateful to be a 21st century American woman; I am grateful for good health and long weekends;  I am grateful for friends/family that I couldn’t imagine life without; I am grateful for leading a life *I* choose for myself ; I am grateful to have a burning passion in life that drives me and excites me like none other; I am grateful for the opportunities I have been given and the ones yet to come; I am even grateful for the bad days as they make the good ones that much sweeter.

I am grateful for many things in my life but most of all I am grateful to have been blessed with these two people. Honestly, I have no idea what I did to deserve them. They are my constant when nothing else makes sense. Not that parenting is easy where only good times are had. No. Parenting is hard and pushes you to edges you didn’t even know existed. But despite the trials (and no doubt more to come) I know I hit the lottery when these two entered my life. I am just so grateful for that.

So, what are YOU grateful for? I’d love to hear it.

Pentax 35mm Kodak portra 400 desaturated


with me

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