Film Fridays :: Dreams

childhood, film fridays, personal

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Dreams. Everybody has them.  a strongly desired goal or purpose. Dreams are what keep us moving forward. Dreams are what give us hope. Children are the best at representing dreams but we lose that sense of “I can do anything” as we get older and most of us are prevented from attaining those dreams. Prevented from whom, you might ask? Ourselves. Dreams are usually accompanied with uncomfortable risks that push us out of our comfort zone. What if I fail? What if I’m laughed at? Nah…I’ll just sit here where I’m safe. But let me tell you from experience  “safe” does not equal to happiness and “safe” is not meant for long term use. Humans are hard wired with survival instincts and believe it or not, danger lies in complacency. We need adversity and challenges to overcome. Why do you think the best books/movies all have a protagonist overcoming the antagonist? We need the low in order to enjoy the high. It’s who we are and how we’re made. Without it we get…weird.

On the flip side though, there IS happiness in being able to provide for one’s family and “safe” does provide this. So where do you draw the line of being selfish or taking one for the team? Where is that happy medium? I’d love to hear your thoughts on the matter. Obviously, if your dream can provide both that would be ideal but what if it doesn’t? What if you fail? But what if you die regretting that you never tried? What if! What if! WHAT IF! I can what if all day long but one thing is certain there is no reward without risk.

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