Film Fridays // Darrian

childhood, film fridays

the blog

film fridays: a personal project where I put down my digital camera and share images created on film.


Every summer my niece and nephew make the trip from California to Texas to see family and I always try to do a photo shoot with them. This was the first year Darrian did a solo shoot and got to be a model for a day. We had a blast and laughed till our cheeks hurt. I also got to try out a (most unlikely) location that I had been eying for months. A closed down Caribbean restaurant!

I am thrilled with how the photos came out! Darrian is a true beauty inside and out. I just can’t believe how fast she has gone from little girl to gorgeously grown woman. It blows my mind. Sadly, our time with each other is never enough and now I have to wait a whole year to see her and BJ again. I hate that. : ( But at least I always have pictures. : )

Mamiya 645 Fuji400H

I asked Darrian if she would write something for my blog about how it feels to be a teenager in 2012.  I love hearing what people, especially young people, think and feel about a particular phase of life they are in.   Here is what she wrote.  : )


Everyone has seen those movies where the teenage girls are amazingly pretty, are always on the phone, and get all of the guys. Then there are those movies where the girl looks like the before shot of a makeover, only uses the phone to call her grandparents, and can’t even get a guy to give her the time of day. Well, I am a couple of weeks away from being 15 years old and I have zits and frizzy hair, I use the phone to call my mom and home, and the only guys I hang out with are geeks and nerds. I know that my life is not like any movie, but I would not have it any other way. ~ Darrian


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