Film Fridays // Analog

childhood, film fridays, personal

the blog

film fridays: a personal project where I put down my digital camera and share images created on film.


I never did share the film photos from the shoot I did with Julia . I guess I just forgot about them…not sure why these are incredible! (Is that pretentious to say that about your own stuff? lol) The warmth and texture in these photos just makes me want to shout it from the rooftops “I heart analog!”

I can sing film’s praises all day long but a side-by-side comparison is always helpful to see the differences between film vs digital. Bottom left is film, bottom right is digital. Here is what sticks out to me: Loss of detail in the shirt with digital,  her skin has a blueish tint compared to the creaminess in film and the sand has a richer look to it.

The loss of detail in highlights KILLS me with digital. Now that I have gotten my feet wet with film, I am acutely aware at how miserably digital fails in this area. Sure I could do some magic in lightroom or try to recreate the “film look” in photoshop but why not just… shoot film?

If you are not in the photography community you may not be aware that there is a film “craze” going on. Photographers everywhere are jumping on the film bandwagon (myself included) Photoshop actions galore claim their product can emulate the look of this film or that film. I sure hope they don’t turn film into the next “texture” fad.  *shudder* I’m so glad that one is over. lol.


Mamiya ProTL Fuji 400H & Kodak Tri-X 400


with me

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