Family photos by Ben Q Photograophy.

Film Friday // Family Portraits

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Family portraits are so, so very important. Not just for YOU as parents but for your children as well. Kids may not appreciate it now but when they are adults they will. I hear all kinds of excuses for not getting family portraits done, but do not for one second believe that your children will care if you needed to lose a few pounds, or that you all didn’t have the cutest outfits on, or that everything wasn’t perfect, perfect, perfect.

The other excuse I often hear is the cost. Really? You have no problem paying a $200 a month iPhone bill. Or how about that cable bill so you can watch Game of Thrones on HBO? Your nail salon bill? Eating out? Add one month of that together and you have yourself some family portraits. When you are old and gray you will never say, “You know, I really wish I had spent more money on my cell phone/cable/fake nails/eating out/insert frivolous expense/ bill, instead of these family portraits.”  No, but you WILL regret not having more photos of your family, especially when your kids are little.

Family portraits should not be looked upon as an expense but an investment. You might be right in the thick of parenting. It’s crazy and insane and it feels like it’s never going to end. It takes all your strength just to get through the day but here’s the truth: You WILL get through it. Time will pass and those kids will grow up and move on. All that will be left are your precious memories and let’s be honest, as you grow older memories fade. But what if you have a portrait from when your toddler had those fat chubby legs and loved being tossed in the air by Daddy? Or how you’re little girl loved playing dress up and pranced around in Mommy’s high heels? If you had a photograph of that, no matter how old you got, you would be instantly transported back to that time and place. How wonderful to be able to recall memories at a glance. That’s what photography does.

So, now I must practice what I preach. Yes, even photographers must get in front of the camera sometimes. The photos below are my own family portraits taken by Ben and Chrys Quintanilla – The talented duo behind Ben Q Photography. And would you believe it if I told you we took these right in the middle of August? And that it wasn’t that hot? For those that have never been to Texas in the summer, it is bloody hell hot and temps can stay in triple digits for weeks at a time. Outdoor photography is possible at this time, though. The secret is doing them at sunrise!

Joe Pool lake family sessionGrand Prairie family session on film.

What I will remember most about these pictures is how obsessed Asa was with these red pants and wore them till they were faded and holy. And how the kids drove me crazy making these friendship bracelets all summer long. I’ll remember that my Dad shaved Asa’s head on our summer trip to Louisiana and how Asa’s adult teeth came in and looked so big and awkward on that little boy face.

Dallas family session near lake. Joe Pool lake in Grand Prairie, texas. Siblings in a family session on medium format film.Family session at Joe Pool lake in Grand Prairie, texas.

I’ll remember their affection for one another and how much Chloe looked up to her big brother and how tolerant he was of her. I’ll remember Chloe’s pink sparkly sandals that she wore all summer long until they finally fell apart. And how her skin tanned to an olive brown in the summer sun while Asa stayed trapped in his fair Irish skin.

Family session outfit ideas. Bright clothing and mixed patterns for outfit ideas.

I’ll remember the tickle fests and how easily I could bring them out of a bad mood simply with tickles. I’ll remember how badass my arm’s looked after doing hot yoga for a year. lol Hey, I worked hard for those, so I can say that.

Dallas couple session on film.Texas children playing near lake.

I’ll remember how silly Chloe was, making sure her gold ring and bracelets showed up in the photos – Her love of bling being realized.

Dallas family photographer. Family session next to tree in Dallas. Mixed patterns and bright colorful clothing for family sessions.

And most of all, I will remember how good life was. Not problem free, of course, but in general, life was good. As the inevitable changes in life occur, I know I will always have these images to remind me of these good times.

The only constant in life is change.” ― Heraclitus

Family photographs near Joe Pool Lake.

So, my message to you is to go out and get portraits done with your family, or you and your parents, or your sweetheart! These are your loved ones. Document this time with them. There is no “perfect” moment to wait for.


with me

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