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I’m off on my week long west coast trip today! Four days in San Francisco to visit my brother, then three days in Seattle to visit my sister and her family. It is a much needed vacation from my busy life. Although… I’m surprised at the mixed feelings I have about leaving my kids and husband behind. There are days I feel like I could run down the street screaming “GETMEOUTTAHERE!” And now here’s the day I actually get to do it and I just want to take them with me. This will be the longest time I have ever been away from them. It probably doesn’t help that I scheduled this trip around Mother’s Day. I seriously goofed on that one. It didn’t even occur to me when I scheduled the flights 6 months ago. Regardless, it’s still going to be a blast. I’ll just have to drink an extra glass of wine to help me cope on Sunday. ;)

And now for a quick sneak peek for The Chaos who are probably on their honeymoon right now. It was a beautiful wedding complete with a happy couple and tornado sirens!  More after the trip!


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