Film Fridays // Asa Part I

childhood, film fridays, personal

the blog

So, the firstborn’s birthday is next week. He’ll be eight. EIGHT. As much as it saddens me to see another year flash before my eyes, I’d be lying if I said I didn’t like it. He is at such an amazing age right now. The calm before the teenage storm, maybe? He just “gets it” so much more. We have interesting in-depth conversations about life, politics, religion, right from wrong, you name it! He can make his own breakfast, clean his own room, shower himself, do chores, do his own homework,..ah, FREEDOM! However, he still digresses back to 4 years old when it comes to his little sister. Oh, yes. The bickering is in full effect with those two. But they’re like an old married couple…can’t stand to be with or without each other.

When it came to planning this year’s annual celebratory-birthday-photoshoot he wanted a lot of creative control for the outfit. This boy has style!  Although, I’ll be glad when he’s over these red pants, which he wears no less than 3 times a week! He really enjoyed carrying around my phone listening to music at the shoot. He doesn’t know it yet but we got him his own shuffle for his birthday. Get ready iTunes. He’s about to tear it up with One Direction! lol

We saw firemen out with their boots collecting money and when I suggested we ask if  he could take a pic on the truck he became mortified. “no, Mom. PLEASE don’t ask them. You’ll embarrass me.”  Not being one to shy away from a good photo op, I finally talked him into it. It took a lot of convincing, though. This fire fighter was kind enough to show Asa around and let him climb all over the truck. Later, when I asked him what his favorite part of the shoot was, he said the firetruck. lol. I love having these adventures with him. I only hope this teaches him that getting out of your comfort zone is not a bad thing. In the end, you will enjoy life so much more if you take chances, no matter how scary it seems.


Since I’m a busy bee these days, I’ll post Part II later. Here’s a sneak peek, though! Ahhh, I just love this boy and those big ol’ chompers so much! Happy Birthday big boy.

Jenny McCann Dallas Film Photographer_0049



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