Dallas photographer, Jenny McCann, shows off family albums by Asuka books.

Bragging Rights

family, personal

the blog

bragging rights: a good reason to talk with pride about something you have done.

Those albums you see below – count them. One, two, three, four, five. FIVE family albums! That’s five years anguishing over the task of creating a family book of the previous year. I am no album designer. I jumped into this completely clueless at first and while I have become more efficient it is still extremely hard to do year after year. You can literally hear moans of agony coming from my office while I am designing these. It takes me weeks MONTHS to complete a book. The problem is the volume of images I have to cull and the fact that I am attached to every single one. I snap photos constantly through out the year so there are hundreds of images to “uhh“, “ummm“, “why me!?” over. Not only is it a labor of love it is an investment I must budget for and while some of the images are just snaps and nothing mind blowing, this is my family. I want to remember every summer, every haircut, every single change on this crazy ride we are on. Aside from my children themselves, these books might be my most prized possessions. : )

And BONUS, I counted and this album is 89% film images. That just makes me so happy! : ) So, this is me bragging about 5 years of being committed to this tradition. Get those images off your hard drive/phone people. MAKE ALBUMS. It’s worth all the hard work!

Dallas photographers, Jenny McCann, captures family Asuka book. Asuka book, EXD case. Looking through family album, Asuka EXD.

Here are a couple of my favorite spreads. Dallas photographer Jenny McCann captures family and creates album. Spread from family book by Asuka EXD. Jenny McCann Dallas family photographer captures own family Dallas Texas photographer captures son at Lake Lewisville. Asuka book spread from Dallas photographer, Jenny McCann


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